February 19, 2013

Chapter 11: Celebration(s)

*A month Later*

The funeral had taken a lot of energy out of Lilly; she had shut down emotionally and mentally. She and Cameron had finally gotten back into their usual routine back at home. Despite the circumstances, Cameron had been glad to see his mom again. She was excited that Cameron had proposed and wanted to know all the details about the wedding as they planned. “So what shall we do to celebrate this joyous occasion?” Cameron asked Lilly while they sat watching TV. Lilly snapped out of her deep thoughts. “What joyous occasion?!” she panicked. She still had not told Cameron she might be pregnant. “Well I was thinking we could just go out to celebrate the engagement just the two of us. It’s been a while since we’ve been out together, being so busy and all.” Cameron did not even respond to her reaction. “Yea that sounds great Cameron.” She replied. Lilly wanted to tell Cameron so bad but with how busy they had been she wondered if now was the right time; Cameron loved kids and so did Lilly. They always talked about having 3-4 kids maybe more and he used to joke that he hoped they looked just like her. “You seem distracted by something. Are you okay?” he asked her. 

“Yea I’m doing fine. I’m just thinking about what I’m going to wear to dinner.” She smiled at him but thousands of thoughts were running through her head. He smiled back, “I’m sure whatever you decide will look great.” They cuddled together on the sofa. Lilly figured she had to call Zoe to see what she thought.  

Zoe seemed to be more excited than Lilly when she came over that afternoon. “Wedding! Wedding! We’re gonna plan a wedding!” Zoe pranced around yelling. “What are you four years old?” chimed in Summer. Zoe glared at her, “What are you doing here anyway?” “Emma’s busy at work so I needed something to do, but enough about that, what’s the plan for the wedding anyway Lilly?”  Lilly was again zoned out and off in Lala Land. “Lilly!?”  called Zoe.

“What? I’m not pregnant!” she blurted out. Zoe’s mouth fell open, “You’re not what? Did you say pregnant?” “We’re having a baby! We’re having a baby!” yelled Summer. “Now who’s acting like they’re four?” Zoe said sarcastically. “Okay enough you two. I might be pregnant and I have not told Cameron yet so please shush!” Cameron was out at the gym but she did not want him walking in at that exact moment. “I’m not sure how and when to tell him.” Lilly continued. Summer smiled and said, “Well you better tell him before the small human being comes out of your…” “SHUT IT!” snapped Zoe trying not to laugh, “But Summer’s right. You do have to tell him before you have to let out your wedding dress to accommodate the miniature human that’s potentially growing inside you.”   

“Thanks for making me feel even more nervous than I already am ladies.” Lilly tried not to vomit right there on the spot. “Did you take a pregnancy test?” Summer asked. “Yea but I couldn’t really tell.” Lilly sat down. “Then get your ass to the damn doctor. Seriously we’ll go with you if you want us to.” Zoe was trying to be as supportive as possible but her curiosity is getting to her. “You think I should?” Lilly asked. “Lilly I love you and all but are you really this dense?” Summer blurted out. “Thanks Summer, that’s not hurtful at all.” Lilly rolled her eyes. “Come on now. You have to find out for sure AND you have to tell Cameron. You guys made this together…you two did make this together right?” Zoe giggled. “What the hell does that mean, yes we made it together!” Lilly was thinking she was better off talking to strangers.  “I’m just asking honestly. You and Jason had gotten close at one point.”  
“Thanks for thinking of me that way. Jason’s not my type, despite his flirting and all, he makes me uneasy.” Lilly shuddered. “Well trust me we’ve all seen that look he gives you. He wants you but I’m glad to see you’re not falling for his lines.” Zoe told her. “OKAY! Enough about Jason let’s go to the doctor, like NOW!” Summer interrupted. Lilly sighed, “Yea let’s get this over with.”  They grabbed their things and headed out.

Eric had received a phone call from a drunken Jason the night before. He headed over to Jason’s place to see what he wanted. “JASON! What the hell did you call me for?” He yelled out as he slammed the front door. “Yo! Erik! Wat up?” Erik was slurring his words left and right. “Great, you’re still drunk. What the hell do you want?” Erik was less than please to be there but there he was. “I need your help with something. I need you to help get that shithead Cameron out of the way.” He tried to sit up on the couch but that seemed difficult in his state, “I want Lilly but that douche is standing in the way of everything.” “Yes. That’s right because Cameron’s really the douche in this situation.” Erik was pissed, “Listen ass wipe. I really could give a shit what you want, I’m not helping you.”
“Aren’t we a little uptight? What still pissed off about your sister? I apologized to her and she’s forgiven me.” Jason insisted. “No you didn’t and no she hasn’t.” Erik replied. “Well that just sounds like it’s your problem not mine.” Jason gave that evil smirk again. “I could say the same about your problem. You are not going to get in-between Cameron and Lilly; they’ve been together since they were kids.” Erik remarked. “Yea that’s TOO long if you ask me.” Jason scoffed. “Well no one actually asked. Besides, apparently you haven’t heard: They got engaged a couple weeks ago.” Erik laughed. “You can’t be serious?” Jason was actually stunned. “Cameron is also pretty sure Lilly is pregnant too.” Erik added. Cameron had confided in him about it. He was not completely sure since Lilly had not come to him but he had this sense something was going on. Jason did not reply to the news. “Listen Jason, I hate you, I honestly do. Though I can tell that you like, maybe even love Lilly, but you do not deserve someone like her or Zoe. So until you get that through your thick skull…” 

“Listen you little shit I’ve had enough of this!” Jason yelled as he stood up. Erik quickly snatched him up, “NO! You listen! You stay away from us, all of us. Lilly, Zoe, Summer, Emma and as well as Cameron and I. Keep your distance or I’ll personally put you six feet under.” He threw Jason back on the couch and walked away. Jason, in his drunken stupor, sat there in shock. “Whatever!” he thought to himself. Erik left the house and headed back home, “I can’t believe that guy!” he thought. 

   The girls went to visit a local doctor in town that ran his office out of his home. They sat in the waiting area, all three were nervous. “What if I am pregnant?” Lilly asked. “And what if you are?” Summer asked, “You and Cameron love each other so much. Everyone can see that. This would be a great thing for you two.” “Yea you’re probably right. It is all so sudden; I always thought we would plan for this you know.” Lilly admitted. “We can’t plan every aspect of our lives. Everything happens for a reason I believe.” Zoe assured her.

“Lillibeth Weber?” called Dr. Blanchard, “why don’t you come on back.” “Good Luck.” Summer whispered. Lilly walked into the exam room/office. “This is it.” She thought. Lilly sat on the exam table waiting for the doctor to come back in after he ran some tests. Again, she found herself wanting to throw up all over the place. She wasn’t sure if it was nerves or “Morning Sickness.”  At any moment the doctor could tell her that she was responsible for the life of another human being. Her career would have to be on hold, she had been busting her butt the last few weeks with everything and she would now have to slow down. She sighed, “Relax Lilly. You can so this, we can do this.” Dr. Blanchard came back into the room, “You look a bit nervous Lillibeth.” He smiled. “Yea just a bit I guess. So what’s the news?” she wasn’t up for chit-chat. “Looks like you are pregnant.” The doctor smiled. Lilly’s heart jumped. “How far along?” she asked. “Well lie back and let’s see.” He pulled her blouse up a bit and examined her belly then did an ultrasound. After a few minutes, he sat her up and sat down himself. “It appears you’re about 11 weeks pregnant.” He sensed her worry, “Lillibeth, were you planning to keep the baby.”

“Huh? Oh yes I was. I’m just a little relieved, surprised, excited and scared.” She gave an awkward smile. “I can understand that. I have four kids and I felt the same each time I found about my wife and I were having them. But I am going to write you a prescription for prenatal vitamins. Everything seems to be fine, the baby is growing nicely so I want to see you back in a month okay?” He told her. “Yes sir. I’ll be here.” She realized she was smiling, “We’re having a wedding…and a baby.”


Four days later, Lilly and Cameron were going over wedding plans. Cameron was a bit quiet before he finally decided to ask. “So when’s the baby due.” He sat back and smiled. “WHO TOLD YOU!?” she yelled. “Are you kidding me? Look at your face. You are beaming and not just about the wedding. You throw up at least five times day. That and Summer confirmed it for me.” He laughed. “I’m going to kill her.,” thought Lilly. “In about six-seven months…” she told him. “ He grabbed her and kissed her, “That’s great news Lil.” “You’re not worried?” she asked. “What about this? Hell no, I know we can do this. We have talked about it for years. Don’t worry we’ll take it one day at a time.” Cameron reassured her.

They embraced each other. “We’re having a baby.” they both thought to themselves.  

Looks like in the end the Palmer Family had more than one thing to celebrate.  

*End of Chapter 11*

Coming up: Chapter 12: “I do, I will.”  


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Sims 3 Story: Cameron Palmer has always thought he was meant for more. It was kind of hard to stay positive with the life he had. He had been at odds with his father for so long and was somewhat neglected by his mother at times. As secrets come out, people's pasts are revealed, with the love of his life by his side, Can they hold it together?
