February 4, 2013

Chapter 8: New Neighbors

Cameron and Lilly were starting to adjust to their new place and their new life. They had been making sure they called back home every chance they got and were glad to hear their families were doing just great. Cameron had just started working at the stadium and Lilly was fitting in very well at the bistro. “Cameron what do you think about a housewarming party this weekend?” Lilly asked as they were hanging out in the hot tub. 

“That depends on who you want to invite.” Cameron had been in somewhat of a grumpy mood lately. Jason had stopped by on a few occasions unannounced. That was pissing him off especially since Jason obviously wasn’t coming to see him and was making dumb faces at Lilly the whole time he was here.  “Cameron, you need to relax you know. I’m inviting Jason because we have to get to know people.” She snuggled up to him. She wasn’t seeing what Cameron was, maybe she was being naïve and maybe Cameron was overreacting. It didn't change the fact that Jason Porter had his eyes focused on Lilly’s lady parts. “Alright fine, who else is coming?” he asked. “I invited my co-worker Zoe and her brother Erik; I think you’ll like them.” She gave him a reassuring smile. “Erik?” Cameron’s eyes widened. “Don’t worry. Erik’s gay actually so you don’t have anything to worry about, unless you think he’ll develop a thing for you.” She giggled.  

“Hahaha. No I’m not worried about it. You are right we have to get to know our neighbors.” Cameron had to admit she was right. They did not have many friends back in Sunset Valley but that was because they spent so much time with each other. “How was work anyway?” Lilly asked him. “It was good, finally starting to get to know some of my other teammates.” Cameron splashed around in the water. “Well maybe you can invite some of them to the party? I’m sure some would enjoy it.” Lilly said. Cameron did not reply. “Okay well let me know.” They sat in silence. Cameron still could not get the way Jason looked at Lilly out of his head. “Well I’m going to go inside and start putting together things for the party.” Lilly climbed out of the hot tub. “Uh huh.” Cameron mumbled incoherently. “Hey Cameron,” Lilly said hoping he could hear her; “don’t let things get to you and give people a chance.”  He did not reply back yet again. 

It was the morning before the party, Lilly was out running errands before she headed to work which left Cameron to prepare. He figured he would start first by cleaning and doing laundry. He realized there were still some boxes stashed away in a corner, “It’s early enough, maybe I can get those unpacked and put away.” Now Cameron wasn’t much for cleaning but he thought it was the least he could do after being so irrational these last few days. After about 2 hours of cleaning there was a knock at the door. He did not even want to think about who it could be. He opened the door to find Jason peeking in through the side window, “Can I help you Jason?” Cameron was already annoyed just by the sight of the guy. Jason had a smug look on his face, “Hey I just came to see if Lilly needed help preparing for the party.” 

“If Lilly needed help? No thanks. We have everything under control.” There was serious tension between the two men. Cameron hated Jason and Jason knew that. He did and said the right things to get under Cameron’s skin. “Listen Jason, Lilly isn’t even here at the moment and she won’t be back until later.” Cameron glared at him. “So she left a man like you to take care of things while she was out.” He gave a light chuckle. Cameron was close to swinging on the jerk. “Well you may think you’re being friendly with her but I think you’re being more than that.”   

Jason smiled at him, “Okay well let Lilly know I came by and will see her later at the party.” Jason waved goodbye in such a sarcastic manner and hopped into his car. Cameron slammed the door behind him. “I don’t care what Lilly says, I don’t like that asshole.” Lilly always saw the good in people and he loved her for that but at times she was just being naïve. “Whatever. I’m glad there will be two other people that I can talk to at this party.” 

Lilly made it back in time to help Cameron finish setting up for the party. Cameron had calmed down from this afternoon but still wasn’t looking forward to that man being in his house. The guests arrived surprisingly on time and Cameron and Lilly were ready to mingle. Erik was a young musician that worked at the local theater. Lilly said that he was good looking and she wasn't lying. Cameron and him had a lot to talk about considering they both played guitar. Granted Cameron hadn't had time to play in months but he still loved it. Zoe was very pretty. Apparently Zoe and Erik were fraternal twins so they were close and spent a lot of time together. Neither really dated, in their opinion they just didn't have time for it. "So Cameron maybe we should get together and play our guitars one day." Erik and Cameron had been talking most of the afternoon and so had Lilly and Zoe. Jason was off in the corner hanging out by the bar. He wasn't saying much but once in a while Cameron caught him glancing at Lilly.  

Cameron and Erik sat down on the couch. Erik could see that something was bothering him as he went ahead and asked. "You don't like Jason do you?" Cameron was surprised by the question at first but he had to be honest. "Hell no! He's conceited, arrogant..." Erik cut him off, "Trust me I know. Everyone knows. He's pretty popular around town. His dad is pretty important too." "Oh so he's one of those that thinks he has a right to EVERYTHING." 
"Yes you guessed it. Word of advice: Keep Lilly away from him. He's also know for his temper. My sister dated him a while back.." "That's why she  doesn't date?" 

Erik got quiet. "Yea. He put marks on her. She didn't want to press charges so we let it go. She was smart enough to keep her distance from him. But I'm telling you, he's no good."  

"Thanks Erik for being honest with me. I knew something was off about him. Something that I didn't like about him." Erik and Cameron continued to talk until Erik and his sister had to leave. 

Cameron was outside waving goodbye when Jason confronted him. "Listen Cameron. I don't know how the hell a guy like you got to be with a girl like Lillibeth, but just so you know I'll take her from you so fast you won't know what the hell happened." "What the fuck is your problem dude!? You think if you see something that you like you can just take it!?"  


Jason gave that same smug look. "Of course. I'm Jason Porter after all. I could have any woman I want and I have my eyes on Lillibeth." 
Jason smiled the most wicked smile Cameron had ever seen on a human being. Cameron was furious and wanted to deck Jason right there in the front yard but let it go...for now. "See you around kid!" Jason walked back to his car and drove off. 

Cameron stood there shaking his head, "Get to know people my ass." He was thankful for Erik being honest with him. Now just to convince Lilly of the truth.

End of Chapter 8
Coming up Chapter 9: Girlfriends 


  1. :O Loved the chapter! Ooh, the tension between Jason and Cameron!



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Sims 3 Story: Cameron Palmer has always thought he was meant for more. It was kind of hard to stay positive with the life he had. He had been at odds with his father for so long and was somewhat neglected by his mother at times. As secrets come out, people's pasts are revealed, with the love of his life by his side, Can they hold it together?
