January 14, 2013

Chapter 3: Fight like a Man

After leaving Lilly’s house, Cameron figured that maybe he could do some job searching while he was at the library. Lilly was right about the money and he knew that. Neither of them had much  money to their name. He had about 684 simoleons in his bank account. Where was he going to go with that money? He wasn’t sure how much money Lilly had, but he knew it couldn't be much with her waitressing at the diner. 


“I can’t ask her to leave her grandpa either. That man has raised her since she was knee-high to a grasshopper. Maybe he could come with us?” He went ahead to find an open computer, “Yea that’s not happening. He moved into that house with his wife and raised Lily’s father there."  He shook his head and laughed. At this point he was getting odd looks from the people around him. Guess if you’re going to mumble under your breath, do it quietly. He apologized and started his search. After about an hour of searching he decided to give it a rest for the day and head back…home…”  

As he hopped back into a cab he had this annoying sense that he forgot something, “Damn it! I was supposed to be studying!!” He let out of grunt of disbelief. “Guess I’ll do some tomorrow. I really have to come up with a plan to get out of here.” On his ride home the thought about how much he did love the town of Sunset Valley cam across his mind but he just wanted a change. He wanted to be out on his own with a job and a family of his own.

  As the cab pulled up to the house he took a deep breathe, got out and headed inside. “I’m back!” he shouted. Letting out a big yawn,“Hey Cameron” said his mom.“Were you able to get any studying done?" “Some I guess. I’m going back tomorrow.” He didn’t think it was the right time to tell his mom what his plans were and what he had actually been doing. Constance stood up and hugged him. “You know there is a computer here that you can use.” He gave her a smile, “We both know that’s not why I go to the library.” She let out a sigh, “You know your father means well. He wants the best for you.”  
“Really? He has a funny way of showing it.” Cameron scoffed.


“Excuse me!?” said his dad from behind him, "You should learn some respect." With a look of shock on his face, “Of all people you really can’t talk about respect. You treat mom and I like crap" Cameron yelled. 
       “Listen you little shit!” James took a step towards Cameron. "Calm down James. Let's just all talk about this." Constance always found herself as the mediator. "Shut the hell up Connie! I don't need to hear that 'calm down' bull from you! This boy has to be set straight!" James was furious. 

Constance took a step back. "Set straight? By you? Well you can be guaranteed that I won't turn out like you. As soon as I can I'm packing up my stuff and getting away from here, from both of you." Before he knew it Cameron felt the sting of a hot hand across his face.  

 Without even thinking Cameron balled up his fist and knocked James right in the jaw. Cameron spit in his dad's face and ran off to his room. 


"What the hell are you thinking James?" Constance was stunned. James got up off the ground, "He hit me too!" "What are you four years old?!" She shook her head. "I don't care how bad of a mother  or how bad of a wife you think I am, but I will not let you put your hands on my son." Constance took a deep breathe and said, "Get the hell out...I'm done. I know he'll hate me, but it's not worth keeping this secret from him when all we're doing is hurting him anyway."  


James pushed Constance out of the way and stormed out the house. Constance let out an exasperated sigh and went to check on Cameron. She found him sitting in the corner of his room. "Cameron? Cam. We have to talk." 
Cameron sniffled. "Go away. I'm not ready to talk now." She got ready to leave but turned to say, "I know you're hurting but when you're ready to talk we have something we need to discuss with you." She turned and left the room. 

She closed Cameron's door, grabbed her phone and dialed. The line rang three times and a man's voice answered: "Hello?" 
Constance took a deep breathe. "I know it's late but we have to talk. We have to tell him."
There was silence for a few seconds, then the man said: "Okay. Let me know when."  Constance hung up, looked towards her son's door and whispered. "I'm sorry honey. I'm so sorry." 

*End of Chapter 3*

Coming up Chapter 4: Secrets


  1. :O naughty James! He got what was coming to him! Good for Cameron for sticking up for himself! :D Awesome chappie! Loved it!



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Sims 3 Story: Cameron Palmer has always thought he was meant for more. It was kind of hard to stay positive with the life he had. He had been at odds with his father for so long and was somewhat neglected by his mother at times. As secrets come out, people's pasts are revealed, with the love of his life by his side, Can they hold it together?
