January 29, 2013

Chapter 7: New Beginnings

It was four days before Cameron and Lilly were scheduled to leave. They were busy getting things squared away but both were still nervous about the prospect of leaving their loved ones behind. Constance and Cameron had moved in with Lilly and her grandfather since James was being such an asshole. He still hadn’t come around since he left the month before. Constance had talked to him briefly on the phone but he wasn’t making things easy for her. 

She was cooking lunch for her and Ben when Cameron came into the kitchen. He could tell that she was a little miffed. “You okay? Something happen?” he asked. “No. There’s nothing out of the ordinary. James is just being difficult about the divorce.” She replied while shaking her head. Cameron just had to ask her: “Why’d you marry him in the first place?”  Benjamin excused himself, “I’ll go see if Lilly needs help packing. 

Constance sat down and took a deep breath. “I had always liked James. He was sweet, funny, caring, sensitive…” Cameron looked at her like she had fallen and bumped her head. “I’m serious. He was a catch but truthfully he just wasn’t my type.” “So…you settled for him?” “Yes I did. After Bryce left to do what he wanted, I sort of ‘fell’ into James’ arms. I thought I could love him, but I didn’t love him the way I loved Bryce. That’s why it was so easy for me to fall for Bryce again when he moved came back into town.” Cameron could understand that. If it was Lilly and he was in his mother’s shoes he’d move heaven and earth to be with her. 

“On a more positive yet sad note: Have you finished packing yet?” She changed the subject. “Yes ma’am. We’re all ready to go. Good thing most of my stuff was already in boxes.” They sat in silence for a minute. “You know that I will miss you, right mom?” Constance stood up to hug him. “I know. I also know that I haven’t been there for you a lot these past few years but I love you. You’re my baby.” Cameron rolled his eyes, “I love you too mom.”
“I better head over to Bryce’s house. I need the keys to the house and to say goodbye.” He got ready to head out the door. “Who’s meeting you at the new house?” Constance wasn’t completely sure of all the details. “A business associate of Bryce’s, they’ll be down in a few weeks to make sure we’re settled in. I’ll be right back.”  


“You look just like your mother.” Benjamin told Lilly. She was his only grandchild. And after losing her parents, his son and daughter-in-law, they had gotten to spend so much time getting to know each other. He watched her grow into such a bright young woman. “Papa, you’re so sweet. I’m going to miss you so much.” Lilly tried to hold back the tears. “I’ll miss you too. But you can’t let me hold you back. You have a life to live too. Besides we’ll visit each other, and Constance and I will be fine.” “Okay. I’ll call you every day.” She reassured him. He hugged her and helped her finish packing her suitcases. 

Cameron made it to Bryce’s house. He knocked on the door and waited until someone. “Hey Cameron, it's great to see you.”  said Bryce. They made their way to the living room where Stella his step-mother was sitting. Not the evil kind that can be somewhat cliché, she was awesome in Cameron’s opinion. “Hi Stella. I just wanted to come get the keys and say goodbye.” 

“We’re going to miss you while you’re gone; Bryce and I will be down to visit in a month or two. Work has had him really busy.” “I know. We haven’t gotten to spend a lot of time together.” He knew that was partly his fault.  

 “Let me give you the keys. Oh I also have Jason’s number so you can contact him if you need anything.” Bryce informed him. “Jason is your associate in Starlight Shores?” Cameron asked. “Yes. He’ll probably meet you at the house, you may have to call and remind him. He can be forgetful at times.” “Great associate…” Cameron thought sarcastically.  


“Well, make sure you call us when you get there.” Bryce told him. “I will Dad.” He smiled. Now Stella was the one trying to hold back tears. He hugged them both goodbye…but had one last thing to do. “Where is she?” he asked Stella. “She’s in her room playing.” 

 He went up the stairs to a beautiful little pink room where on the floor sat a little girl with Cameron and Bryce’s BRIGHT red locks. Eva.  Cameron was probably going to miss her most…next to his mother. He sat down to play with her for a bit. “You’ll have to come see me little one.” He smiles at her and she smiled back. He loved that little face of hers. He knew he wanted a little girl like her one day, maybe two or three. After 20 minutes of playing with baby Eva, he picked her up and held her close. “I love you Eva Marie. I'm going miss you." 


"I love you too Cammie." Eva squealed.

He kissed her forehead and put her back down on the floor. He made his way back down the stairs and said one last goodbye before heading back home.”  

The day was finally here. Lilly and Cameron were saying their last goodbye before they had to catch their plane. While his mom and his girlfriend tried to fight back the tears Cameron loaded the suitcases into the cab. “Please call us when you get there.” Constance reminded them for the 100th time. “Ms. Palmer don’t worry we will.” Lilly reassured her. “Yea we’ll call you guys once a week.” Cameron smiled. “Every other day… for at least for the first two weeks or so?” Constance tried so hard to not worry about them. “Okay.” Lilly and Cameron said in unison. Benjamin gave Cameron a handshake, “You take good care of her. I love that girl.” “I will sir. I can promise you that.” 

They loaded themselves into the cab and waved one last time as the cab pulled away from the house. “I’m going to miss them so much.” Lilly grabbed his hand, “we have to come back to visit in two months or so.” Cameron kissed her soft hand, “We will.” They took one last look at Sunset Valley as they rode through the town to the airport. They were leaving behind their loved ones to start their life together. The nervousness and utter excitement collected within their hearts. What awaited them in Starlight Shores? 

*8 hours later*

Cameron and Lilly finally pulled up in front of a house that made Lilly utter: “Holy…Shit…”

“Cameron the first floor looks like your old house could fit into it.” She was in complete shock. Cameron was struggling with the suitcases, “That’s great hun, can you help with the bags?” “Oh! Sorry!” She grabbed a suitcase and headed to the door, which seemed to already be unlocked. “Cam? The door’s unlocked.” He put the bags down and told her to stay back. He knew Bryce’s associate was supposed to meet them there but wasn’t trying to take any chances. “Hello?! Anybody here?”

“Yea I’ll be right down!” yelled a voice from upstairs. After a few seconds a tall handsome man with golden blonde hair met Cameron in the living room. “You must be Cameron, Bryce’s son. I’m Jason Porter.” Cameron couldn’t help thinking: His name even sounds wealthy. “Yea that’s right. This is…oh wait. Lilly you can come in now! Coast is clear.” Lilly made her way in the house and into the living room. Jason’s face lit up at the sight of Lilly. Before Cameron could introduce Lilly he beat him to it. “Hi I’m Jason. Lilly is it?” “Yea Lillibeth. Nice to meet you.” She didn’t care who he was, only her close friends and loved ones called her Lilly. There was an awkward silence.


 That’s when Jason became aware that Cameron was still in the room. “Let me show around. Everything is included and is yours to use. The house has a kitchen, living room, office, four bedrooms 3 bathrooms, a hot tub and a pool, all yours. Oh and there’s two cars in the garage. Bryce said you’re welcome to use as well.”
“CARS!??!” Lilly’s jaw dropped. Jason smiled, “Yea a Chrysler 300 and a pink Audi that I think you’ll like.” Okay so you had to admit Jason had a nice smile. Jason answered his phone, “I’m sorry to leave in such a huff, but I have a dinner date. If you need anything you have my number!” Before Cameron could ask any more questions he was gone. 

“He was nice.” Lilly finally said as she went back outside to grab her suitcase. “Oh yea he’s awesome.” Cameron didn’t like the guy. There was something about him that made him uneasy, besides the puddle of drool he made on the floor after seeing Lilly.
“I'm already in love with this place.” Lilly looked around the living room. “Yea and the people are sure friendly.” Cameron went over to where she was standing. “You mean Jason? Yeah he seemed nice.” there was silence. “Cameron don't even think it. You can't immediately put your walls up when you meet new people, or else why did we come here.” He sighed. “I'm sorry. You're right just didn't like the way he looked at you.”
She smiled and winked at him, “Well can you blame him?” Cameron laughed. “No I can't I guess." They cuddled on the couch for a bit before they started unpacking. 

“Yea. We're finally here. Starlight Shores we have arrived.”

Coming up:
Chapter 8: New Neighbors 


  1. Hm, Jason seems like he's got his eye on the wrong target! Watch out, Cameron! LOVED the chapter! Can't wait to read more!



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Sims 3 Story: Cameron Palmer has always thought he was meant for more. It was kind of hard to stay positive with the life he had. He had been at odds with his father for so long and was somewhat neglected by his mother at times. As secrets come out, people's pasts are revealed, with the love of his life by his side, Can they hold it together?
