January 25, 2013

Chapter 6: Regrets

It was the morning of graduation. Cameron was ready, just a bit nervous, but he was ready. “Got your cap? Got your gown?” asked his mother as she rushed around the living room. “Mom? I’m wearing them.” He laughed at her. He could see she was just as nervous as he was. “Well that’s not the cap I meant.” she replied shaking her head. 


Her little boy was graduating:The baby boy that she had cradled in her arms late at night, the baby she taught to walk, chased around the house while he ran around naked to avoid bath-time, the baby boy whose wounds she nursed when he fell on the playground. He was a young man now and moving on with his life. She fought back the tears.  

“Mom, come on now. Everything will be fine.” He hugged her close. “You’re right. I’m sorry. Guess we better go.” They both hopped into a cab and headed towards city hall.On the way there they passed Lilly’s house. He hadn’t talked to her since the party the day before. He avoided her phone calls and ignored her texts. She was going off to join the military. “What sense did that make?” he wondered. She always dreamed of being a chef, but she probably figured she had to do something. She recently said how she didn’t have the confidence to go to cooking school. She felt her skills weren’t where they needed to be, but that’s the point of the cooking school. He wanted her to be with him. He wanted her to be by his side but he also wanted her to be happy.

 They walked up the steps of the city hall and saw Lilly and her grandfather. “Good morning you two!” said Lilly’s grandfather, Ben. “Good morning to you as well.” said Constance. There was an awkward silence between Lilly and Cameron. “Hey…” she said. “Yea, hey…” he replied, if you can even call that a reply. There was more silence. “Well! I guess we’ll leave you too alone for a bit, don’t be late to your seats.” Constance reminded them. “Yes ma’am.” Cameron and Lilly said together. 

“How have you been?” he went ahead and asked, “I was going to call you but…”  “You were still mad at me right?” She tried to force a smile. “Listen Lilly. I love you and I want you to do whatever makes you happy. Even if it means we’ll be a part for a while.” He hated saying it but didn’t want to leave things like this. “Are you sure??” she tried to hold back the tears. “I just have to ask. Why the Military?” he had to know. “I don’t know. I didn’t apply to that cooking academy so I had to do something.” she shrugged her shoulders.  He was right.“But…” before he could finish the principal announced they were going to begin. “We better head inside. We’ll talk later.” She rushed inside with Cameron close behind.  

After the ceremony they all gathered outside. Cameron achieved the vote of “Most likely to be a Sports Star” that but a big smile on his face and Lilly was voted most likely to have a big family which they both tried hard to not smile too much at the thought of that. Cameron’s mom had to go to work and Lilly’s grandfather had a poker game so Cameron decided they’d meet at his house to talk later that evening but first Cameron had plans with his dad. 

Cameron and Bryce had decided to have lunch together that afternoon. Cameron had become accustomed to talking to Bryce about things. They had many things in common and found it easy to talk to each other, despite the circumstances. “I’m glad we were able to get together Cameron and congratulations on your diploma!” he had a proud smile on his face, “you’re a bright kid. You’re heading places you know.” Cameron tried hard to hiding the big smile on his face. James would have probably never say something like that to him. It was nice to hear. “Thanks Bryce. I wanted to just spend some time with you; I know you couldn’t make it to the graduation ceremony.”   

“I’m glad that you had called. I have some pretty awesome news.” Bryce told him, “I know you have plans and everything. I also know things with you and Lilly are strained right now…” he took a deep breathe “My wife and I discussed it and we would like to offer you our vacation home in Starlight Shores.” Cameron was stunned. “You can’t be serious!?” he smiled from ear to ear. “With an 25,000 simoleon allowance…” Bryce continued. “I also know the owner of the bistro there and made a few calls. There’s a one year apprenticeship and they’re looking for someone.” Cameron was excited. “Lilly?”

“Yup! It’s hers if she wants it. The owner is more than happy to teach and guide her.” “This is AWESOME! Thanks SO much. You don’t know what this means to me…to us. I'm really at a lost for words.”  Bryce shook his head, “I know what it’s like to live with regrets. To not be with the one you love. Don't get me wrong I love my wife but your mother will always be my first love. I left her behind because I was concerned about me. I couldn't even convince her to be with me after you were born.  I can’t let you go through the same thing.” They finished their lunch. Cameron thanked him again and said he'd call about more details later. Cameron had to tell Lil.  


Cameron waited for Lilly at his house. He couldn’t wait to tell her the news, but would she accept it he wondered. Night had fallen when Lilly showed up and she met him around back. “Hey!” he said with overzealous excitement. “Hey… you’re creeping me out with that smile. What’s going on?” He laughed. They sat on the swing for a bit and talked about graduation. Lilly smiled at Cameron and said “Push me, like you did when we were kids with your scrawny arms.” He smiled and started pushing her. He waited until the right moment to tell her but he just had to do it. 

So I talked to Bryce and he’s got an offer for us.” “Us? You mean you.” “Nope. He’s offering us his vacation home in Starlight with a 25,000 simoleon allowance and he’s got a friend who’s looking for an apprentice at his cafe.” “You’re kidding?! That’s way too perfect! This means…” “We can be together. He says the position is yours if you want it. This is what I have wanted but I have realized I never asked you what you wanted.”

She stopped swinging. “Cameron. I want everything; the house, the husband, the kids, the career…all with you. I’ve always wanted that. Since the moment we met, as naïve as that sounds. Let's go to Starlight Shores." He kissed her as they hugged and he asked her inside where they cuddled together. After everything they’ve been through: losing parents or gaining parents, fights, making up, laughter and tears. Cameron and Lilly realized they could begin their life together. That night they made love and Cameron vowed to himself that he wasn’t going to live with regrets. 


End of Chapter 6
Coming up Chapter 7: New Beginnings 


  1. I just finished reading your story and I really love it! Even though things are looking good for Cameron, I can sense that it's not all rainbows and unicorns.

    dsjfklsdj, I love it! And I can't wait for the next chapter! :D


  2. Aw! I absolutely loved this chapter! My favorite so far! It's nice to see that Bryce is a good guy :)



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Sims 3 Story: Cameron Palmer has always thought he was meant for more. It was kind of hard to stay positive with the life he had. He had been at odds with his father for so long and was somewhat neglected by his mother at times. As secrets come out, people's pasts are revealed, with the love of his life by his side, Can they hold it together?
